Each volume in the Flourish Bible Study series invites you to experience the unifying story of the Bible with the hope that God’s word will be treasured by God’s people.

“The brilliant and beautiful mix of sound teaching, helpful charts, lists and sidebars, appealing graphics, as well as insightful questions that get the reader into the text of Scripture make this a study women will want to invest time in and will look back at as time well spent.”

Nancy Guthrie
Author of the Seeing Jesus in the Old Testament series

Romans: The Glory of the Gospel

Romans provides the clearest explanation of the gospel and the eternal hope for a humanity marred by sin and death. In this 10-week Bible study for women, Lydia Brownback examines Romans verse by verse to explore how God works through his Son and in the hearts of his people. Written for individuals or groups, each lesson helps women understand important doctrines of the faith, such as justification, propitiation, and redemption, on a practical and accessible level.


Leader’s Guide

Ecclesiastes: Finding Meaning When Life Feels Meaningless

As we live out the mundane, week in-week out rhythms of our life, we can’t help but wonder, in our quieter moments, if there’s meaning in what we do and how we choose to live. What’s the point of it all? That’s exactly what the author of Ecclesiastes set out to discover. In this 10-week study, we follow him verse by verse to see what he saw and experienced and ultimately discovered—the whole point of everything.


Leader’s Guide

Colossians: Fullness of Life in Christ

Christ is the ruler of all things and sufficient for our every need. While we may profess these truths, we sometimes struggle to apply them to our everyday lives. Thankfully, the book of Colossians offers a practical guideline, exalting Christ as the Lord of everything and showing us how we share in his life, death, and resurrection in our lives now and for all eternity


Leader’s Guide

Jonah: God’s Relentless Grace

Jonah is about much more than a big fish! This little Old Testament book displays God’s power, patience, and relentless grace for sinners. Most of all, Jonah shines light on the redemption provided for sinners through Jesus Christ our Savior.


Leader’s Guide

Ephesians: Growing in Christ

From Ephesians Christians learn how to grow as a spiritual family in thought, word, and deed as together they live out their great spiritual privileges in their lives and relationships. This 10-week study examines the epistle verse by verse and aims to guide believers in the path of godliness.


Leader’s Guide

Job: Trusting God When Suffering Comes

From Job’s beginnings as a wealthy, God-honoring family man, through his time of intense suffering and grief, and finally to the abundant restoration of everything he’d lost, Job’s story helps us learn more about God’s power and purposes. This 10-week study explores faith, doubt, and suffering, and explains how this Bible book ties into God’s big plan.


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James: Walking in Wisdom

James’s epistle is much loved for its wisdom and practical instruction on living the Christian life. James, the half-brother of Jesus, wrote this letter to teach his readers about walking faithfully with Christ in the midst of life’s struggles. This 10-week Bible study addressed trials and temptations, the relationship between faith and good works, and choosing the wisdom of God over the wisdom of the world.


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Habakkuk: Learning to Live by Faith

From Habakkuk the prophet we learn that when God’s ways don’t seem to make sense, it’s only because we can’t see the end from the beginning, and because in this lifetime we get only a beginning glimpse of the magnitude of all God is. We also learn from Habakkuk what to do in seasons of waiting. Habakkuk also shows us that God is faithful to deliver his people—including us—from every trouble in his own way and time. Will we trust? If so, we will also wait, and we will prove in our own lives that God is worth waiting for. 


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Philippians: Living for Christ

The book of Philippians describes the pain the apostle Paul endured as a follower of Christ. Writing to the church in Philippi, he declares that nothing—not even imprisonment—will stop him from rejoicing in the Lord. That’s because Jesus was Paul’s whole reason for living. Philippians, perhaps more than any other New Testament epistle, anchors believers in joy and a contagious passion for Christ.


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Judges: The Path from Chaos to Kingship

The book of Judges has all the elements of a cinematic blockbuster film—murder, violence, lust, and adultery. Sadly, the people caught up in these events are the people of God—Israel. Disobedience and rebellion have driven them away from the Lord, but the Lord does not desert them. To the contrary, God pursues his wayward people to show them undeserved grace.


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Luke: Good News of Great Joy

Jesus—who is this son of a carpenter who could preach, heal diseases, and cast out demons? Pointing to Jesus as the promised King of kings, this study, volume 3 in the Flourish series, shows how Jesus’s earthly ministry is good news for all, especially the downtrodden, the hurting, and the outsider.


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1–2 Peter: Living Hope in a Hard World

Peter's Epistles are a rallying cry for hope. Written to a young church facing intensifying persecution, they showcase the living hope of the gospel even in the midst of trials and tribulation.


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Esther: The Hidden Hand of God

Through this 10-week study, readers will discover how Esther, a book that does not mention God directly, implicitly points to our Lord Jesus Christ. Join Lydia Brownback as she walks readers through the book of Esther in a format that is ideal for both group and personal study.


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Coming Fall 2024

Ecclesiastes: Finding Meaning When Life Feels Meaningless

Releasing November 2024

Volume 12 in the Flourish Bible Study series

We all want our lives to count, to have purpose and meaning and value. The big question is, where do we find it? Fame, fortune, and pleasure promise much, but meaning isn’t found there. It’s not found even in personal success or happy family life. It’s found only in one source, the Lord Jesus Christ, and in living for one thing, the kingdom of God.

This 10-week Bible study explores Ecclesiastes verse by verse to help believers understand why life in this world never quite satisfies.

“My daughter and I love using Flourish Bible Studies for our morning devotions. Lydia Brownback’s faithful probing of biblical texts; insightful questions; invitations to engage in personal applications using additional biblical texts and historical contexts; and commitment to upholding the whole counsel of God as it bears on living life as a godly woman has drawn us closer to the Lord and to his word. Brownback never sidesteps hard questions or hard providences, but neither does she appeal to discourses of victimhood or therapy, which are painfully common in the genre of women’s Bible studies. I cannot recommend this series highly enough. My daughter and I look forward to working through this whole series together!”

—Rosaria Butterfield

Former Professor of English, Syracuse University; author, The Gospel Comes with a House Key


“As a women’s ministry leader, I am excited about the development of the Flourish Bible Study series, which will not only prayerfully equip women to increase in biblical literacy but also come alongside them to build a systematic and comprehensive framework to become lifelong students of the word of God. This series provides visually engaging studies with accessible content that will not only strengthen the believer but the church as well.”

—Karen Hodge

Coordinator of Women’s Ministries, Presbyterian Church in America; coauthor, Transformed

“Lydia Brownback is an experienced Bible teacher who has dedicated her life to ministry roles that help women (and men) grow in Christ. With a wealth of biblical, historical, and theological content, her Flourish Bible studies are ideal for groups and individuals that are serious about the in-depth study of the word of God.”

—Phil and Lisa Ryken

President, Wheaton College, and his wife, Lisa

“If you’re looking for rich, accessible, and deeply biblical Bible studies, this series is for you! Lydia Brownback leads her readers through different books of the Bible, providing background information, maps, timelines, and questions that probe the text in order to glean understanding and application. She settles us deeply in the context of a book as she highlights God’s unfolding plan of redemption and rescue. You will learn, you will delight in God’s word, and you will love our good King Jesus even more.”

—Courtney Doctor

Coordinator of Women’s Initiatives, The Gospel Coalition; author, From Garden to Glory and Steadfast: A Devotional Bible Study on the Book of James

“Lydia Brownback’s Bible study series provides a faithful guide to book after book. You’ll find rich insights into context and good questions to help you study and interpret the Bible. Page by page, the studies point you to respond to each passage and to love our great and gracious God. I will recommend the Flourish series for years to come for those looking for a wise, Christ-centered study that leads toward the goal of being transformed by the word.”

—Taylor Turkington

Bible teacher; Director, BibleEquipping.org

“Lydia Brownback has a contagious love for the Bible. Not only is she fluent in the best of biblical scholarship in the last generation, but her writing is accessible to the simplest of readers. She has the rare ability of being clear without being reductionistic. I anticipate many women indeed will flourish through her trustworthy guidance in this series.”

—David Mathis

Senior Teacher and Executive Editor, desiringGod.org; Pastor, Cities Church, Saint Paul, Minnesota; author, Habits of Grace


  • Esther (Summer/Fall 2020)

  • 1–2 Peter (Winter 2021)

  • Luke (Spring 2021)

  • Judges (Summer/Fall 2021)

  • Philippians (Winter 2022)

  • Habakkuk (Spring 2022)

  • James (Summer/Fall 2022)

  • Job (Spring 2023)

  • Ephesians (Summer/Fall 2023)

  • Jonah (Winter 2024)

  • Colossians (Spring 2024)

  • Ecclesiastes (Summer/Fall 2024)

  • Romans (Winter 2025)

  • Psalms of Ascents (Fall 2025)

  • Hebrews (Winter 2026)

  • Titus (Fall 2026)

  • Sermon on the Mount (Spring 2027)

  • Ruth (Fall 2027)

  • 1–2 Timothy (Winter 2028)

  • Daniel (Fall 2028)

  • 1 Corinthians (Winter 2029)

  • Malachi (Fall 2029)

  • 2 Corinthians (Winter 2030)

  • 1–3 John (Fall 2030)